Fallout 4 Papyrus Compiler Reference

CLI Reference

Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright (C) ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
PapyrusCompiler <object, folder, or project> [<arguments>]

  object     Specifies the object to compile. (-all is not specified, with a
             .psc or no extension)
  folder     Specifies the folder to compile. (-all is specified)
  project    Specifies the project to compile. (Has a .ppj extension)
  arguments  One or more of the following (overrides project, if any):
    Turns on compiler debugging, outputting dev information to the screen.
    Turns on release-mode processing, removing debug code from the script.
    Turns on final-mode processing, removing beta code from the script.
    Turns on optimization of scripts.
    Sets the compiler's output directory.
    Sets the compiler's import directories, separated by semicolons.
    Sets the file to use for user-defined flags.
    Invokes the compiler against all psc files in the specified directory
    (interprets object as the folder).
    Used with -all to tell the compiler not to recurse into subdirectories.
    Tells the compiler to ignore the current working directory when searching
    for files. Otherwise it is implied to be first in the import list.
    Does not report progress or success (only failures).
    Does not generate an assembly file and does not run the assembler.
    Keeps the assembly file after running the assembler.
    Generates an assembly file but does not run the assembler.
    Prints usage information.